New York - Glenn Beck just can’t seem to get it right- unless his intent is to be a complete hypocrite. It’s getting really hard to tell.
On Thursday, in an attempt to make America realize that the oil spill disaster hit very close to home, President Obama repeated a question from daughter, Malia. She asked him, "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?"
Glenn Beck, the conservative simpleton comedian, found her remark to be an indication of being poorly educated and chose to make fun of her on his radio show, and even decided to go off on an unrelated tangent and portray the Obama’s as racist. WTF?
Only a day before, Beck was telling his radio audience to leave Sarah Palin’s kids alone, leave the Bush twins alone, even *gasp* leave CHELSEA CLINTON alone. But it’s okay to declare open season on the Obama kids? Now who’s a racist?
We were confused. How does Beck still have a job when he can't even remember what he said on the air one day before and subsequently makes himself look like a blithering moron? Is he suffering from a brain hemorrhage? Nah, that only happens to celebrities who aren't ignorant dicks. We asked one media analyst to comment on Beck's obvious mental handicap and he told us, “it was out of line and totally inappropriate. Beck has since apologized, but I believe if his audience wants to pride themselves as being educated people, they should tell him it’s too little, too late by tuning out. I don’t understand how any media outlet can keep him on the air in good conscience. Especially when one is to consider that even if the Obama children had plastic bags tied over their heads to cut off oxygen for several minutes after birth, they still would very likely be better educated and more informed than Beck. And as far as plugging holes – his pie hole being plugged should be the biggest concern. My apologies to sea creatures in the Gulf.”
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