This week in irony, watchdogs for the Tea Party from Americans for Tax Reform (translation: Americans who want to pay NO taxes whatsoever, EVER, and would live in a shack to get away from the government if it had Fox News on cable), have slammed President Obama for using the term, “tea baggers.” The group claims that unlike when they use the term themselves, the term coming out of the President’s mouth is the equivalent to the “n” word.
Hmmmmmn. Last time we checked, the “n” word was a racial slur and “tea bagger,” could only be construed as a sexist slur. This leaves us all kinds of confused, so we asked a Tea Party member to explain.
UD: You claim that President Obama’s use of the word “tea bagger” is the equivalent to a reviled racial slur when it’s really a sexist slur. Does this mean that the Tea Party now welcomes blacks as well as gays?
John Q. Tea Partier: Uh………….
UD: I’ll take that as a yes, and it’s good news for Americans who believe in equality and tolerance – two moral principles upon which this great land was founded. It really makes me feel great that you’ve had this turn around, as I didn’t see any blacks or women wearing sensible shoes at your April 15th rally. I’m sure you must be pleased to have adopted this new attitude that will bring more diversity to your party.
John Q. Tea Partier: Uh………….
UD: And while we are on the subject of euphemisms that you folks don’t bother to check on before having the RNC print up your witty literature, do you know the slang definition of “drill?”
John Q. Tea Partier: Uh………….
UD: Well, it can have possibly even more negative connotations now since the BP disaster on April 20th, so you really should rethink having your poster-child shrieking harpy Sarah shouting it out for all the people who don’t read the newspaper to hear at your rallies.
John Q. Tea Partier: Uh………….
UD: Nice talking to you. Care to join me for a Corona for Cinco de Mayo?
John Q. Tea Partier: NO THANK YOU.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tea Party Calls Obama a Bigot?
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Posted by
Laurie B.
11:51 AM

1 comments so far :
Oh I say, you American chaps are twits
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