Saturday, September 11, 2010


Yeah, Pastor Terry Jones again.  He ruins Christianity, he ruins the solemn remembrance of 9/11™, he ruins facial hair, he probably even farts every time he leaves a room.

Jones told the Today Show that he was not going to burn a Quran now - not ever - and that his goal was "to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical,” and further added "we have definitely accomplished that mission."  Um, I think we figured that out 9 years ago, dip-shit.

At what cost, Reverend Jones?? One Afghani person’s life – we know at least that much.   Here’s to hoping the U.S. government can find a way to charge Jones as an accessory to manslaughter due to this person’s death during the protest over his lunacy.   Jones belongs in a bunk at Gitmo.  Not preaching from a pulpit in Gainesville.  But that won't happen as we are all protected, as we should be, under the Constitution with our right to free speech.  So, we'll just have to do things the old fashioned way, and shun the living Hell out of him.

1 comments so far :

Milty Tilty said...

I care about The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo, Hater!

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