Friday, March 18, 2011

World's Worst Movie Ever to Be Made Hasn't Even Been Made Yet

It hasn't even started production yet - that is presently slated for January 2012, but Mad Max 4, "Mad Max: Road Fury," has already become most critics' "worst movie of all time." Reviewer Leonard Maltin said of the movie "halfway through it I wrapped my scarf around my face and snuck out of the theatre. NY Observer critic Rex Reed said "so bad it made me go straight." Movie Guy You Can Hardly Believe Is Still Alive Roger Ebert threatened to break off his own jaw and beat himself to death with it in protest.

How bad will it be? So bad that Alan Smithee refused to direct it. "I don't want to be associated with this turd so badly that I've spoken out about it, even though I am not real" the fake director (whose name is used by directors when they make movies so bad that they can't bear the thought of their name being in the credits) told Unsolicited Drivel.

Although the plot is not yet known, not even the fact that Mel Gibson is not going to be in the movie is expected to save it. Actor Charlize Theron, who was dragged by the Japanese tsunami into the cast is already booking appearances on the late night talk shows in 2013 to apologize for it.

Upon announcement of the movie's schedule, all countries in the world immediately agreed to give up their nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons (except to use them on the production site for this stinkbomb) so as to avert any chance of a post-apocalyptic world resembling the movie.

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