Thursday, April 14, 2011

Illegal Marijuana is Killing the Earth

Move over toxic waste! Environmentalists report that marijuana produced in U.S. “grow houses,” is leaving a huge carbon footprint. 

Studies show the electricity used to grow the illegal plants uses up 1% of the U.S. supply, translating to a shocking $5 billion per year. And smoking just one of the grow house joints is the equivalent of running a 100-watt light bulb for 17 hours!

An advocate for the legalization of pot from the group Marijuana United National Coalition for Hemp In Every State (or MUNCHIES) told Unsolicited Drivel, “So, the vicious cycle of the prohibition continues. Pot will never be addictive. Never.  Because before you ever had the chance to become addicted, you’d forget to smoke it. Prescription drugs are some nasty shit so the demand for legal pot is very real and will continue to rise in our stressful culture.   It’s only illegal  because our government decided to save the failing cotton industry and keep tobacco growers in business. And now it’s pretty clear that the government doesn’t want to make pot legal until they can be sure big Pharma has complete control over it.  And Mother Earth is paying the price. And you know what’s even scarier? That ecological study didn’t factor in the gas needed for trips back and forth to the 711 to buy Little Debbie's and Skittles, or the pizza delivery guys driving all over town and all of emissions that result from that. Man, this planet is totally doomed.”

2 comments so far :

Anonymous said...

ummm... cigerettes??

Anonymous said...

Out of all the environmental issues prominent in our society today, they pick pot to complain about. Get your priorities straight, don't just go after something because you think it makes you special.

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