Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Boehner the Barfly?

Washington, DC - Why is House Minority Leader John Boehner smiling?  Could it be because he’s still drunk from the night before?  That’s what MSNBC morning show host Joe Scarborough's probably thinking.

This morning on his show Joe said, "I hear it on the Hill, I'm sure you hear it on the Hill all the time, it's not reported, but so many Republicans tell me that this is a guy that is not the hardest worker in the world."  He further implied Boehner had a drinking problem.

The Ohio GOP congressman’s spokesperson quickly denied Joe Scarborough's claims stating, “Boehner grew up poor with 11 brothers and sisters.  True, his dad owned a bar, but there wasn’t enough booze to go around to spare for 11 kids.  It was a blue collar town."

However, these rumors of Boehner’s behavior have been circulating for years.  We wondered what the general public thought about them?

I guess if I was evil enough to try and rip the dreams of retirement away from elderly Americans by proposing raising retirement age to 70, I’d have to tie one on too.

Well, if it’s true that he’s not a hard worker it explains why he has so much time for the tanning bed.  I can only hope by the way he votes it’s enough time to cause an early death.

It’s not like the Republican talking points are hard to comprehend.  We get it – you like your money, you want your guns, and you hate minorities.  You can be plastered and still vote your platform on issues like that.

I suppose that explains why he’s always bursting into tears like a girl as they say alcohol brings out your true emotions and he’s come to realize that he’s really just another unremarkable prick.

3 comments so far :

Jack Fat said...

A lot of people get the pronunciation of his last name wrong. For the record, it's "F***head"

Fake Bake said...

The tanning tax that starts today will put a hurtin' on his booze $$.

Milty Tilty said...

Girlfriend he look like a fried orange with orange sauce

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