Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lohan Grand Theft to be Reduced to Misdemeanor?

Ever since Lindsay Lohan was arraigned last week in her infamous Ace bandage dress on "grand theft," for stealing a $2500 necklace, reports have been surfacing that the charges were grossly inflated.  In order to be charged with a felony, the necklace had to be valued at more than $950, which is now in dispute.

In all of the photos we've seen of Lohan wearing the alleged necklace, we could never tell what it looked like.  As far as we could see, it simply seemed to be a gold chain, while their was something else hanging down that looked like a rabbit's foot or a turd - but that might have been a second necklace that was dangling the brown thingy.

Be that as it may, we have finally caught a glimpse of the necklace in question (below) and you don't need to go to law school to realize that you don't need a high-powered attorney to prove that stealing THIS piece of jewelry is a merely misdemeanor!

1 comments so far :

Courtney Love said...

If they gave it away free, I wouldn't take it. A girl has standards, ya know.

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