Los Angeles - You would think that getting your old job back and still having a decent viewership after an absence of six months would be enough for Jay Leno - on top of his huge salary and his owning every freakin’ classic motorcycle made - but you would be wrong.
NBC and Lame-o were feeling testy over O’Brien’s interview with “60 Minutes” last Sunday, as it was a reminder that Conan didn’t run away with his tail between his legs, and Jay somehow thought it would be funny to connect Conan’s anger to the Times Square Bomber. For those of us who are still wondering what he found funny about his monologue at the WHCD last weekend, his choice of trying to give us the giggles over what was nearly a catastrophe with loss of human life, leaves him two for two: bomb on bomb.
NBC was hot under the overly starched collar as O’Brien claimed that Lame-o’s severance package was much greater, and that’s why they chose to keep him. NBC insists the number of monetary units contractually promised to both performers were essentially the same (but Conan’s were in pesos). It seems like NBC will say whatever they can to save face as they are tied to the hip with Jay Leno and his audience who are in danger of breaking a hip.
In his monologue, Jay joked about finding a Facebook page of accused Times Square Car Bomber, Faisal Shahzad, which listed him as being a member of “Team Coco,” the Facebook group created in support of the wronged “Tonight Show” host.
When reached for comment in his holding cell, Shahzad offered, “it’s true, I have the page of the Facebook, but those are not my groups. I was a fan of the redheaded giant, however. I really liked to watch his show to see that bear that does things that in my religion - well, you would automatically get your hands cut off for doing that! Perhaps if I had not stayed up so late watching this ‘Coco,’ all of the time I would not have fallen asleep with such regularity in my 8 AM bomb building class.”
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Jay Lame-o Uses Tasteless Terrorist Reference to Slam Coco
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Posted by
Laurie B.
10:07 AM

Homeland Security
Jay Leno
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Keep it up fellows, fighting is good!
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