Wednesday, April 13, 2011

AP Duped Into Reporting GE Will Pay Their Taxes

It’s tough for the news media all over, but one would think the very last person they would lay off would be a fact checker.  Yet the Associated Press reported a false new story this week about corporate-tax-dodging behemoth General Electric’s plan to repay the $3.2 billion tax refund it received.

Someone at AP reported the story from the website:

The web address included an extra “s” as the real site is:

Which one is directed to if one types:

However, we have taken a good look at the phony site and they are nearly identical.  So we can’t blame blurry vision from too much bourbon the night before from very likely being treated like a barnyard animal while on the job for the error.  Perhaps AP should have confirmed the story verbally?  Journalists used to do that in the olden days, and how many huge U.S. corporations DON'T have our Federal Government dancing on a string for their fiscal gain?

At press time it was unclear if GE had planned to take action against the people responsible for the phony press release, but a source inside the company told us that they do not plant to change their corporate strategy of using offshore tax shelters to dodge paying their fair share to the U.S. government.  He also added, “Not only do we plan to continue screwing the little people by not paying our taxes, we plan to use the refund to develop extra-special perks for our executives.  Our biotech division is currently working on providing each of them with a real, live unicorn and our geologists are working on making exact duplicates of the island of Bermuda for each one of them to use as their new vacation spots.”

(Cartoon via the Comic News)

1 comments so far :

Use Candles!! said...

They bring bad things to life

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