Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hasselbeck: Trump Creates More Jobs Than Obama

New York – Elisabeth Hasselbeck , The View co-host and token conservative, added the fuel to the media frenzy fire of Donald Trump’s faux presidential run on Tuesday by insisting The Donald had created more jobs than President Obama.

Her co-hosts were all visibly flummoxed at Hasselbeck’s remark, but were probably not as hard on her as they normally would be, as they were still shocked by Whoopi Goldberg’s description of herself wearing a thong earlier in the program.  At least Barbara Walters piped up by saying,   “You mean because of Celebrity Appwentice?”

We’re guessing it’s pretty dull on set for Elisabeth these days since both her favorite female politicians* come across as borderline insane, and Whoopi Goldberg, while liberal, is not a living, breathing hornet’s nest like former co-host Rosie O’Donnell was.   Was that Elisabeth's motivation for making such a silly remark?

Our political analyst has weighed in on Hasselbeck’s seemingly kooky comment adding, “I suppose she’s never heard of Obama signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?  It created thousands of jobs in infrastructure development, research, renewable energy, and construction.  I’ve seen the signs with the Recovery Act’s seal on construction projects all around the nation’s capital and in National Parks.  However, I suppose Ms. Hasselbeck only takes her family to homogenized attractions like Disney World.  As far as Trump’s job creation record goes – well, I don’t count Celebrity Apprentice, but I suppose if you factor in casino dealers, cocktail waitresses, hookers, herpes ointment manufacturers, gambler’s anonymous counselors and bankruptcy attorneys, he probably has created his fair share.  In fact, it may be the only instance in our country’s economic history that the Republican plan of ‘trickle-down economics’ has actually worked.”

*Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.

1 comments so far :

GavB said...

Anonymous, you are the most ignorant person I ever read: #1 - Sentences begin with a capital letter; #2, "I" is always capitalized; #3 you can't "hear" a written article, you can only read it, although perhaps you are just confusing the article with the voices in your head. BTW, thanks for the racism you ignorant dope.

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