Hollyweird – Not sure if this is an April Fool’s prank or not, but supposedly, a reliable source is saying that Charlie Sheen is leaving “Two and a Half Men.” So, now it will be only “One and a Half Men,” or, that guy who used to be “Duckie,” who didn’t age all that well, as he still looks exactly the same as he did in 1986 (a trait that only looks good on chicks), and some child star who will probably very likely grow up to spend more time friending eight-balls than friending other nerds on Facebook. Statistically speaking, that is. He could also rob a convenience store. Anyway, this pal of Charlie’s claimed, “He just doesn’t want to do it anymore. He’s exploring other options. But I refuse to confirm whether or not any of these options involve Dr. Drew. Even though you’ll probably see Dr. Drew weighing in on Charlie’s decision for the media by this time tomorrow. He’s been looking around and he’ll just have to see what’s out there. I doubt he would be against considering anything produced by Mark Burnett at this point. But, I’m pretty sure he would only sign on for a “Celebrity Train Wreck Survivor” type show if he could be the head of the tribe.”
UPDATE: Now it's being reported that he's just being a total greedy prick about contract negotiations. Shocking! Geez, I love it when when gossip websites who claim to correct other websites for reporting false information, report false information! At least as I claim to make all of this shit up, I'm covered!
1 comments so far :
Here's a suggestion for a show for the Sheenster - a reality show about him, called "The Unexamined Life."
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