It’s beginning to look like timing may not be a strong suit for Jackson family sperm donor, Joe. It’s almost a certainty, in fact, that his Father’s Day cards will get lost in the mail.
Over the weekend, Joe accused his wife Katherine of being an accessory to Michael’s death by not cheering him up enough because she didn’t want to invade his privacy, and Joe insisted that if she had shown up to find out why Michael was living in his jammies pretty much 24/7, he’d still be alive today. Joe even insisted Katherine could have also taken the time to find out why the hell Michael named one of his kids "Blanket" when he could have gone with the much classier sounding "Duvet."
A family spokesperson rushed to Katherine’s defense and told us, “well, Michael did typically have his own amusement park installed wherever he was living...regardless, everyone knows that Katherine was a loving mother and grandmother as proven by Michael’s will as he entrusted his debt entirely to her. Joe was never named in the estate and has nothing to gain (or lose) by picking this fight. I don’t understand how a man whose only discernable skill as a functioning adult seems to be drawing his own eyebrows on to look like a Vegas hooker has room to criticize anyone.”
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I'll get to the bottom of this!
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