Friday, November 5, 2010

Michael Moore Wants More Political Star Power

New York - Documentary filmmaker heavy weight, Michael Moore, called upon Democrats to start running some "beloved... smart... good" entertainment icons in upcoming elections if they want to regain control and get their message out.

Moore told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell in an interview last night, ... “[the Republicans] have actually run movie stars and won. They ran Ronald Reagan. Fred Thompson was a senator. Gopher from The Love Boat. Sonny Bono...”  and he added further, “I don't know why they hate Hollywood so much. When they run Hollywood, they win. When are the Democrats going to run Hollywood?  For as much as they're accused of going Hollywood...”

Moore suggested the Democrats whip out the big guns, like Tom Hanks or Oprah Winfrey, and was on O’Donnell’s show to discuss his petition "letting the Democratic politicians know that our vote comes with one big condition: If they do not straighten up, get a spine and do what we expect of them, we will find alternate candidates to run against them in 2012. And we mean it."

Unsolicited Drivel caught up with our usual, unnamed political analyst for comment on Moore’s proposal and he told us, “Why don’t the Democrats run Hollywood?  Well, I think one reason may be because in the early days of the Bush administration, whenever television needed a liberal punching bag they’d drag out Janeane Garofalo, and that mental picture of a frowning, tattoo-covered hipster is probably burned into the brains of middle America.  Not a pleasant image.  Oprah?  She’s got her new network coming out, and if she was going to run, she could have already done it anytime she wanted, so I’m guessing she’s too smart for that.  Tom Hanks?  Too many potential 'Forrest Gump,' jokes and if you get past that, there will be some voters who still think he’s gay from seeing the movie ‘Philadelphia.’  I think if Moore wants Hollywood to win, their best chance is to run Martin Sheen as America was confused for years thinking he was really the president to begin with.  Just change his name back to ‘Bartlet’ so they don’t think he’s the Sheen who terrorizes hookers.”

“Whenever someone of the Right tars me as ‘anti-American,’ I know I’m not dealing with a serious person.  I’m dealing with an infant.” - Janeane Garofalo  - “Satiristas!”

1 comments so far :

Pat Taters said...

Forget Tom Hanks - even Forrest Gump hisself could do a better job than them there dummies-crats! I ain't never seed a group so able to shoot theyself in they own feets than that bunch o fools! Ahh - I gots to go!

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