Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Americans Approve of Wall Street Occupiers Than Congress

33% have a favorable opinion of the occupiers in lower Manhattan, many of whom are out of work students, 27% said they don’t like “those hippie freaks,” and 40% didn’t know the occupation was going on because they get their news from Fox and/or wouldn’t notice unless the occupation took place in Donald Trump’s hair.

In sharp contrast, only 14% of Americans have a positive view of Congress, and 82% disapprove.  Of those American’s disapproving of Congress, an impressive 67% said they would rather hang out with a young person in Zuccotti Park who was wearing a saggy knit cap, facial jewelry and tattoos and had hummus breath, and who had also only been sponge bathing at a McDonald’s for nearly a month, than hear anything that disgraced New York Representative Charlie Rangel had to say on his recent visit there.

1 comments so far :

Bee Yondmi said...

Regarding the favorability of Congress being at 14% - why is it so high?

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