Monday, March 22, 2010

Inner Office Psych Experiment Goes Horribly Awry

Cincinnati, OH – An office worker admitted today that a recent amateur psychological study she had undertaken on her supervisor behind his back had totally derailed and jumped the track. Carla Young stated, “I got so tired of that manipulative control freak borderline retard trying to make me feel incompetent to quell that force-field of anxiety he tries to pass off as a personality, that I had to do something. I know he can’t feel good about himself unless he feels important, and I have to seem needy and dumb for that, so I decided to start bombarding him with memos and emails like I was even more clueless than he is.  If I have three questions, I’ll send three emails as opposed to including them all in one.  Actually, if I sent them in one, I had to color code them so he could tell the difference to begin with, so three mails kind of makes sense.  But as it turns out, not only is he also suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder on top of being a total freaktard, he also was starved for attention and now he thinks I’m romantically interested in him!  I should just have taken the lazy way out like the guy in accounting, and hid under my desk in my cube whenever he walks by! Every time I think around this place, it always comes back to bite me on the ass - without fail. But I still think maybe I’ll gaslight that numbers dweeb for being such a clever bastard.”

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