Monday, May 10, 2010

A Potato Has More Sincere Eyes

They really need to develop some sort of awards like “The Razzies” for worst performances in political ads.  And the winner for “Worst Performance By A Flip-Flopper is: John McCain.”

I was relieved he didn’t make it to the White House for the obvious reasons, but I’m even more relieved as the days go by.  His views just go whichever why the desert wind is a blowin’.  Translation: one election they are Mexicans to John, the next election they are Mexican'ts.  Who is going to build his “dang” fence anyway?

Check out his new campaign ad and tell me if you don’t know of more convincing performances going on right now by the veggies decaying in your crisper:

1 comments so far :

Hy Pokkrit said...

He McCain't Say No - to any strategy which might possibly get him even one more vote

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