Thursday, May 13, 2010


  • Walgreen’s holds off on selling genetic testing kits after complaints from the FDA, so we’ll all have to figure out if our relatives have doomed our existence the low-tech way: by spending time with them.
  • Gay rights advocates demand an apology from “Newsweek,” for article suggesting that gay actors can’t play straight, when the article should have really focused on just how much most big-name actors suck.
  • Two-time celebrity mistress, Rachel Uchitel, in talks for releasing self-help book, “Texting for Dollars.”

2 comments so far :

Lou Price said...

I bought a genetic test from Walmart and the results showed I am a moron: for buying a genetic test form Walmart.

Medea Hore said...

Let me get this in before it's over with the Lauers - I'll miss Mannette!

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