Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Always the Lady

The much promoted interview with Elizabeth Edwards on the “Today Show” just aired and there was nothing new to learn about – Elizabeth was, is, and remains a high class lady.

Edwards was promoting the paperback release of her book “Resilience” and this was her first public interview since what we will refer to as “Muppet-Humpin’ Gate” – or the GQ photo spread of her husband John’s skanky ho Rielle Hunter grinding on toys in her daughter’s nursery.  She did not watch the Oprah interview with Rielle when it aired, but did eventually.

The other big question – did she waste her time marrying a man-whore dick?  The answer was no - because of the lovely children they produced and the interesting experiences she got to have throughout their marriage.  For the record, he wasn’t a man-whore dick when they married, but evolved into one much later in life, and she still admires his political accomplishments.  He's an okay dad, too.

In closing, leave her and Sandra Bullock alone because they should not solely be defined by their bad taste in men.   Oh, and buy her book.

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