Monday, September 20, 2010

Baltimore Honors Frank Zappa With Bust |

Baltimore Honors Frank Zappa With Bust |

Yesterday was "Frank Zappa Day" in Baltimore and they unveiled a bust that was a gift from Lithuania in front of our newest library in town (Yay! We still read.  Or pretend we do to surf the web at the library.).

I'm sorry to say the acoustics were horrible and we could hardly hear a thing.  It's a shame as there was a nice turn out.  I think it was more than the "few hundred people" as the report above states.    Yesterday also marked the anniversary of Zappa testifying before congress (and against Tipper Gore) about free speech.

Speaking of free speech, the "line of the day" as we like to call it, was one guy remarking to his friend, "Frank would never attend an event like this."  Too funny!

Here's one more picture of Dweezil looking cute with his cover band playing his dad's music.

1 comments so far :

GavB said...

All the speakers sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher.

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