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7 comments so far :
LOVE IT!!! I'll pass it around!
WhooooWooooooo! This is great!!! Thanks!
Can you substitute Barack Obama for Sarah Palin here? He advocates bringing guns to knife fights and punishing political enemies, all while sipping on slurpees. It's quite offensive to tolerant, peace loving Americans.
Actually, can we substitute Rep. Kanjorski - he's the one openly calling for us to "Put him against the wall and shoot" Rick Scott?
Palin 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, lets totally ignore the violent speech and acts of the Left and claim that the Right actually does them. There are millions who will fall for the lie. After all, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, right?
I see lots of people making the claim that the left is as much prone to hate speech as the right, but they never quote any examples.
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