Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sequester 2013 Explained!

There they go again...
Washington, DC – The American government has become expert at least one thing; rebranding the deficit crisis so the rest of us don’t know what the HELL they are talking about.  This time their boutique-marketing agency decided to call the budget cut negotiations a “sequester” because the idea of America going off a “fiscal cliff” gave too many people fantasies about Karl Rove and Grover Norquist in an old convertible sailing off the Arizona Red Rocks while holding hands. So as of this writing, it appears that they will sequester tomorrow and Unsolicited Drivel readers want to know WHY?!?  So, we’ve provided this handy diagram for just you!

Our Guvmint at work....

2 comments so far :

Anthropomorphic Personification of Logic said...

why is this a Venn diagram?

Laurie B. said...

It's a Venn because all of these people are part of the problem in causing gridlock in government and the budget crisis is due to the fabricated war in Iraq and the Bush tax cuts. Plus, people like diagrams.

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