Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is Charlie My New Britney?

I can't tell you how much it ate away at me inside during the year that Britney was having her meltdowns and I was at that time, between blogs.  Is good time Charlie going to fill that void? 

The news site TMZ has posted some pictures of Sheen's new "look" if you can call it that, this weekend.  Nice jammies BTW, Chuckles.  Are we going to see him next on the People of Wal-Mart site?  

I was so worried when he left his sitcom, that he was going to just fade away from the public view that I asked entertainment  insiders about his new look and they speculated, "clearly, his future career plans involve auditioning for movies on the Lifetime Network, or as it's known in our circles: Cheater-Beater-Theater.  Talk about type-casting!  He can replace Rob Lowe, who was never convincing as a misogynist psychopath, even though he thought he was when he mussed his hair for effect.  Look's like his first audition may be for the BTK strangler."

3 comments so far :

Lenny from LA Law said...

I would like to announce that I am suing Mr. Sheen for stealing my look and feel.

Charles the Good said...

I would like to announce that I am suing Mr. Sheen for stealing my moniker, "Good Time Charlie." Moo hoo ha ha ha ha ha

Emelio said...

Why do you think I changed my last name!

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