Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown Wins Kennedy’s Seat as Coakley Campaign Croaks

BOSTON — In a surprise upset in our traditionally most liberal state, Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown hopped a speeding train of voter outrage all the way to Capitol Hill.  For Brown, it was positive enough that he knew how to spell “Massachusetts,” unlike his opponent’s campaign, but Senate Democrats basically handed him Kennedy’s seat on a platter by, well, behaving like Democrats once they get in office.  This victory likely pushes the healthcare overhaul full speed ahead to where it belongs - in a John Deere aimed at a landfill.  And as election issues come and go, it will still always be “about the economy stupid.” Or, is it the voters who are stupid if they don’t remember who actually ruined the economy? 

Anyhoo...Meanwhile, back in Obama country, as his anniversary of his inauguration looms, the President and his advisors are no doubt scratching their heads wondering how one Senatorial election can undo efforts of the last year like:

1.    Continued handling of, and trying to bring to a conclusion to, one justifiable war and one illegal war (Makes these conflicts cancel each other out from a financial and collateral damage standpoint. Ah, running to stand still never gets old!).
2.    Restoring America’s image globally so we are less likely to have shoes hurled at our heads and/or held in prison for breathing on Pyongyang’s border.
3.    Stopping the free fall of the American economy with stimulus programs (Although a jobless   recovery is still an oxymoron).
4.    Banning the torture of American prisoners.
5.    Renewing the U.S. effort internationally to halt global warming so we don't have to move spring break to Canada and reward their economy with Jagermeister profits.
6.    Standing up for education reform so our children will really not be left behind due to testing them to measure their skills on subjects we don’t teach or haven't taught since the Jefferson administration.
7.    Moving terrorist trials back into America so we may have the hope of watching them on TV.
8.    Sort of starting to set precedents for Gay Rights (Beats going backwards).
9.    Starting the health care reform debate, even though it was kind of like bringing torture back.
10.  Choosing the first Latino American woman Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor (Ensuring J-Lo and Shakira are more likely to be present at political events.).
11.  Winning a Nobel Peace Prize (Hey, at least he hasn’t started any wars.).
12.  Exercising patience and good humor amongst all back-biting, all the time. (We want what he's taking!).

One Boston voter remarked last night, "I voted for Obama because I wanted change. ... but I’m not going to read the newspaper and stuff just to check up on him and make sure ALL of that stuff is actually happening. Not when it’s easier to focus on individual failures that are happening right now on the cable TV.  Hey, do they even have newspapers anymore?”

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