Monday, January 18, 2010
Errr-ah…Teddy Kennedy’s Legacy About to Disappear Faster Than a Bottle of Jameson’s at an Irish Wake Thanks to Dimwit Dems
Boston - In what can only be deemed as poetic justice, or a karma cram up the ass for a botched healthcare bill debate to end all botched healthcare bill debates, Senate Democrats seem poised to see the Lion of the Senate, Ted Kennedy’s 46-year legacy evaporate this Tuesday. One time snowball’s chance in hell Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown now holds a narrow, but being a Republican, significant single digit point lead over Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Democratic candidacy as the election looms tomorrow. A Republican insider reported, “Brown got the nomination because we thought it was a lost cause. In fact, we just picked his name out of a hat. We thought about having candidates guess how many beans (Boston baked) were in a jar, but had already laid off the bean counters due to budget shortfalls. We had no way of knowing how badly Obama and Senate Democrats would screw up healthcare reform by wanting to force Americans to buy private insurance or be fined. If we had, we probably wouldn’t have chosen a guy who insinuates his opponent is sympathetic to baby rapists. We have enough challenges as it is.”
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