Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesse James Finally Lands in Rehab - But for Which Issue?

Los Angeles – While the wires are buzzing that Jesse James has entered a rehab facility for “sex addiction,” his reps still will not confirm what he is being treated for.  On the same day, “Us Weekly,” has finally unearthed the infamous “Nazi” photo of him.  Us is running the photo of James doing the “sieg heil” salute while wearing the hat of an SS officer, and also looking like a complete douche.  No word yet if it was Michelle "Bombshell" McGee who was the one who had to wipe the slime off of her camera phone to catch the shot.  So, is Jesse in rehab for sex addiction, or just for being a complete douche?  It’s only a matter of time before someone goes into treatment for being douchetastic.  As a matter of fact, hasn’t Andy Dick done it already?  One of Jesse’s pals tells the people at Us,  “Jesse is just a history buff who likes hats.  He’s really, really into hats.  In fact, I’m pretty sure if he hadn’t become a motorcycle maniac, he might have become a haberdasher.  Jesse also has a hat like Napoleon Bonaparte, one of those ones with the eagle on it like Mussolini wore, and even one of those really cool helmets with the fur trim, like Genghis Khan had.”

2 comments so far :

reader in upstate NY said...

just a class act isn't he?

Gehfil Taffish said...

He's skankriffic!

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