Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gay Caveman Glad He Lived 5,000 Years Ago Instead of Today

Czech Republic – The spirit of a gay caveman spoke through a medium this morning and insisted that he’s very thankful that he lived 5,000 years ago instead of in 2011 despite our modern conveniences.

The remains of the caveman were recently discovered and archeologists believe he was gay because of the manner in which he was buried, which was typically reserved for females.

The caveman, whose modern name is Ralph, but would have been “Lives In Own Little World” during the Stone Age, confirmed his sexuality for the psychic.  He stated:

“Yes, I was buried like a woman because I was gay.  We were a lot like the Egyptians.  Not building great stuff mind you, but we had burial rituals where we would include things we would need in the afterlife.  I had my cookware buried with me.  I was the most inventive chef in the village. My Mastodon medallions were to die for!  I grilled them in white truffle oil.    But as much as I would love to try your modern-day All-Clad cookware, I know that I wouldn’t want to live in your times based upon the way you treat a man who chooses to lie with man.  Back in my day, all that mattered in regard to any man was whether or not he put food on the table.  No one cared what he did behind closed boulders.  We had more important things to do than screw with the other villager’s heads to further our own agendas.  So I guess I’ll take my crappy pottery cookware over your brushed stainless steel sauté pans any day.  Oh, and the Gods think you’re all bat-shit crazy by the way.”

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