In the show's 200th episode, the prophet Muhammad was supposed to be depicted amongst a group of religious super heroes wearing a bear costume to shield his identity (somewhat) but instead, when the episode aired last night, the word “CENSORED” appeared and Muhammad was replaced by Santa Claus in a bear costume. Earlier this week, a U.S. group known as “Revolution Muslim,” warned Stone and Parker that they could end up like Theo Van Gogh if they aired the episode as planned. Van Gogh, a documentary filmmaker, was slain in 2004 after releasing his film that depicted violence against women in Islamic society.
In the typically irreverent “South Park,” Muhammad was to be depicted snorting drugs with Buddha. Not quite the same as say, maybe, beating a girl to a pulp for glancing sidelong at a man, but still bad! No one from the show's production office in California is commenting in an official capacity, but one person, who refused to be named offered, “I never thought we’d have as much trouble with anyone as we did with the Church of Scientology. We may re-edit the Buddha scene for syndication, but instead we'll probably put in Richard Gere. But for last night's show, we decided to take their threats seriously, as it’s kind of difficult to draw even crude cartoons like these when your hands have been chopped off with a saber. I suppose now we will probably receive threats for implying Santa is a bigger super hero than Muhammad though.”
UPDATE: It was they empty suits at the network that did the censoring.
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