Friday, May 28, 2010

Poot Fires Back!

London – Speaking from his newly acquired retirement perch in a local zoo, a former organ grinder monkey, Poot, fired back at a recent post on Unsolicited Drivel naming him as an accomplice in a uncompromising position to be reported on in the future, and with regularity, with a tabloid-made celebrity.

The simian (former) showman offered, “blimey!  I have no idea what that bloke Blad's been writin’ ‘bout.  ‘Es implying that my name could appear in any old story be it involving some oversexed member of Parliament, to a Royal, to even that crackwhore Amy Winehouse!  I resent that.  I AM retired, after all.  I’m going to be keeping an eye on your fake reportin’ from now on, and believe me you, if I catch you buggers gettin' out of line, you’ll be ‘earing from me!”

1 comments so far :

Liv Urpule said...

I've loost me moonkey. Has anyone seen me moonkey?

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