I was against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), which is to say food that has been genetically altered to make it more transportable, less perishable, less flavorful, more deadly, and more colorful, as well as to make it hum, whistle, and lick its lips when you walk by it in the grocery aisle. Monsanto Corporation is the Evil Mega Corporate Villain (Monsanto is a Belgian word meaning “Evil Mega Corporate Villain”) that is lobbying the US government to prevent food manufacturers from putting labels on foods which have been genetically modified, because they correctly assume that consumers would avoid their products like they were radioactive if they knew.
The protest was in Hunt Valley, Maryland, which is on the outskirts of Baltimore. About 40 people, including me and the missus, stood on the side of the entrance road to a local mall and waved our signs at drivers, who honked if they liked us. Best protest chant IMO: “We want real food, not from a test tube!” Best sign IMO: “Oh No, GMO!”. At one point a bee became fascinated with me, so I had to wave my sign at him to avoid him. I later picked up a “Bring back the bees!” sign to compensate my Karma. Some protest signs had lots of words on them, I think these were ignored by the drivers, who were too busy driving to the mall grocery store to get their glow-in-the-dark roast chicken-potatoes*.
Posted by: Gman
Photos by: Drivel Lady: See our slideshow here
*GMOs are BANNED in Europe. They don't want their children to grow up to be mutants.
1 comments so far :
GMO's should at the very least be labeled, but I would love them to be banned in America as well. Glad to see people are out there trying to make a difference.
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