Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mideast Peace Talks Resume

What do Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, King Hussein of Jordan and the Easter Bunny have in common? They've never been in the same room together.* Yes, the big players in the long running conflict have actually gotten together to begin talking about discussing maybe doing something about the stalemated middeast peace process. 

"I'm cautiously optimistic that this process has begun a process of getting a process going, as soon as we can get the process of getting a process going going" Secretary of State Clinton said,** continuing, "all the players are now at the table of negotiation to negotiate how we can negotiate these tricky waters of negotiation." 

President Obama has made solving the mideast conflict a top priority.*** Hey, it's not like there's nuthin' else going on in the country occupying his time, right?****

*Ok, we just put the Easter Bunny in to throw you off.

**Quick quiz: name one thing she's accomplished as Secretary of State?  Betcha can't.

***Which means he won't ever talk about it or comment on it or offer an opinion or help Mrs. Clinton out or fight back against the inevitable Republican roadblocking and smear campaign.

****Not counting record high unemployment, two wars (ok, call it one-and-a-half-war), the second great depression, the bankrupting of the US treasury, a stalled congress, an inability to make appointments to top federal positions because of the filibuster, a radicalized hyper partisan supreme court, the eroding of our civil liberties, warrantless wiretapping (yes, that's still going on), unpunished high crimes, a radicalized and hyperpartisan justice department, (We could go on, but you get the idea, right?)

1 comments so far :

Humina Humina said...

looka the smile on her face, are they pleasuring her under the table or what!

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