President Obama came out swinging today with a direct call for young voters to wake up out of their beer bong comas to vote in midterm elections by making an impassioned plea to students at the University of Wisconsin. Vice President Joe Biden has a similar speech scheduled tomorrow at Penn State University despite the majority of students likely to be more interested in camping out in “Paternoville” than hoping for a chance of hearing Joe hurl an "F" bomb by accident. Obama told the students via conference call, "Democracy is never a one and done proposition, it is something that requires sustained engagement and sustained involvement." Obama’s aim was to remind students that it’s pretty tough to carry off the changes he hoped for while running for office, as he’s done nothing since he arrived in Oval Office but run up against law makers that have more in common with kindergarteners banging their heads against a cement wall.
We asked one political strategist about Obama’s plea to students late in the game and he told us, “Well, Obama realized that probably 75% of students were interested in the presidential election, yet those numbers substantially drop with their interest in voting in the midterms. We’d be lucky to even see a turn out in double digits, quite frankly. It’s probably due to the fact that the election is labeled ‘midterm’ making it a sore reminder of tests they’ll never be ready for due to obsessive Internet networking. There is some good news for Obama himself, as based upon this latest Google search at least the president is still relevant to them. Even more than Obi Wan Kenobi, and I think that says a lot about his ability to create change. It does appear that he won't be able to compete in popularity for Americans interested in super-sizing it much longer though, despite Michelle's efforts to get them to eat their veggies.”
1 comments so far :
I don't get why he has only started now. He should have been energizing the American people for the last 6 month, since healthcare passed. Good article!
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