Monday, November 8, 2010

Keith Olbermann: 1, MSNBC: 0

New York - Wow. That was fast. No sooner did we begin to start to draft the lyrics to “Give Keith a Chance,*” and it's been announced that pundit Keith Olbermann will be returned to the air at MSNBC on “Countdown” as of tomorrow night. Olbermann was suspended on Friday for refusal to apologize on the air for making political donations without the company’s prior approval.

MSNBC President, Phil Griffin released a statement late Sunday:

"After several days of deliberation and discussion (and being letter-bombed almost as often as John Boehner by unemployed Americans) I’ve determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night's program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy. We look forward to having him back on the air (so I’m not the most-hated man on Facebook – other than John Boehner) Tuesday night."

During "The Great Keith Embargo of 2010," many public figures rallied behind him and the debate about what delineates a “journalist” and a “commentator,” became an issue. Everyone knows that Olbermann can string sentences together (particularly if they involve baseball), so he can obviously be considered a journalist. So, with that being said, we move on to the task of delineating between a news organization and a political organization.

Unsolicited Drivel checked in with our usual media analyst about the controversy who told us, “Well, very simply, journalists report news. MSNBC reports news, even if there is a not very thinly veiled opinion offered on events. Organizations whose primary goal is to manipulate emotions merely for financial gain, like Fox, are NOT news organizations. They do have the ability to make news, however, when one of their crazy-ass viewers goes off the rails because of some bullshit lie they put on the air.”

*Hey, if Elton John can constantly recycle “Candle in the Wind,” why can’t we (with Yoko’s permission, of course) rewrite “Give Peace a Chance?”

1 comments so far :

Angus Leftie said...

Considering Olbermann is probably 50% of their ad revenue: good move.

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