Friday, November 5, 2010

Twitter Reactions to Olbermann Suspension

MSNBC (or as I used to call them and will return to calling them: Mighty Sucky NBC) suspended pundit Keith Olbermann earlier today for making undisclosed political donations, which violates their company policy as a news organization.  Now, I KNOW your first thought is, "What about Fox?  Are you telling me Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck aren't donating their ill-begotten funds to the Tea Party?!?"  My answer would be, "Probably, but then again, remember kids - Fox is not news - or journalism for that matter.  And, I might also make a joke about not knowing that Keith was a Democrat :\   It totally sucks regardless.

Drop 'em a line, why don't you?

MSNBC President
Phil Griffin

NBC News President
Steve Capus

Phone: (212) 664-4444

Here are some Twitter reactions to Olbermann's conundrum:

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