Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oprah Confirms She’s Not a Thespian

In a tearful interview with Barbara Walters, talk show queen Oprah Winfrey has flat out stated: "I'm not a thespian."

Rumors have persisted for years that Winfrey was hiding some serious acting prowess, and she says this irritates her because it means, “somebody must think I’m a thespian.”

She told Walters, “I’m not any kind of thespian.  I mean, have you seen The Color Purple or The Women of Brewster Place?  The only way I can cry on cue is if I smear Vick's Vapo-rub in my eyes like Glenn Beck.  If I was a thespian, why would I want to hide it when I could have Gayle be my dresser?  Think about that.  And considering my constant need for approval, if I was a thespian I certainly wouldn’t want to hide it from Emmy or Oscar, I’ll tell you that much, girlfriend.”

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