Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boehner Won’t Comment Regarding Rep. Chris Lee Being a Toad

Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) destroyed his political career by uploading a half-nekkid photo of himself to show a woman looking for “non-toads” on Craig’s List, and now House Speaker John Boehner is refusing to even comment on the scandal.

Despite being elected by the people and for the people, Boehner told reporters, "My conversations with members are private and will remain that way."  When asked if instead of Craig’s List, Internet home to hookers and killers, Lee had uploaded a picture to the website www.amihotornot, would the Speaker then have clicked on it to vote, he replied, “I won’t know how to turn on a computer until they start installing them in golf carts.”

Unsolicited Drivel
spoke with one Beltway insider about Boehner’s clamming up, despite the Speaker having publicly scolded Lee for canoodling with female lobbyists.  He told us:

“Well, we know that Boehner is good at keeping things private.  He certainly sat on the Mark Foley/Congressional page sex scandal long enough.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there seems to be a very ironic pattern with the GOP.  No sooner does Lee affiliate himself with a group formed to protect kids from predators on the Internet, than he is busted looking like a creepy letch on the Internet.  Boehner did state about the scandal, 'I believe that members of Congress should be held to the highest ethical standards, as the American people expect.'  So because he made a special point to say that, I fully expect then that we will shortly find out that the allegations made by The National Enquirer about Boehner cheating with not one, but possibly two ladies will be proven to be true.  Gosh, I love it when these hypocritical pricks implode. It's almost more of a sure thing than the Sun coming up every morning.”

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