Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Murdoch Won’t Rehire Olbermann Just to Fire Re-Fire Him

New York - Evil media overlord Rupert Murdoch was interviewed by one of his underlings, Neil Cavuto, on Fox News today about a variety of topics – including former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann.

Murdoch was specifically there to plug the launch of his new The Daily, but beyond that and the Egyptian uprising, the topic eventually drifted to Fox’s former sportscaster Keith Olbermann.  When asked if he would rehire him now that MSNBC kicked Olbermann to the curb despite his bringing that network back from near oblivion, Murdoch offered, “No. We fired him once, we don’t believe in firing people twice.*”  

We checked in with our usual, unnamed media analyst for comment on Murdoch’s curt reply regarding Olbermann's prospects at Fox.  He told us, “The fact that the subject even came up seems an obvious ratings ploy.  Fox makes a habit of giving their employees rhetoric to recite like trained parrots and Olbermann’s success at MSNBC came from sharing his own opinions.  The only thing I don’t get about this is Fox straying away from the crazy angle.  I mean, there’s not a single network that compares to them when it comes to appearing mentally unhinged, and a classic definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting a different result.  That being said, I’m surprised Murdoch didn’t contact Keith’s representation with an offer already.”

*Or reporting facts as "news."

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