Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Olbermann Headed to Current TV?

The New York Times is reporting that former “Countdown” host, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, will announce today that he is headed to Current TV.

Olbermann abruptly left MSNBC last month under mysterious circumstances, although many in the industry suspected his long-time personality conflicts at the network and the impending merger with Comcast to be the cause of his departure.

The Times quotes unnamed sources “familiar with Olbermann’s plans” informing them of the possible deal with Current, but Olbermann has yet to comment.

Current TV was co-founded by former Vice President Al Gore, so it seems like a good fit to us for a progressive broadcaster such as Olbermann.  Does this mean we can look forward to Keith guest hosting on the “Rotten Tomatoes Show” or providing commentary on “Infomania,” right after the funny guy who does “That’s Gay?!”  We checked in with our unnamed media analyst for comment who told us:

“I’m sure that in order for Olbermann to sign with Current, they will have to give him his own show built around his personal style.  However, there might be a clause that he’s not allowed to recite and destroy any of the finest works of American literature.  Adding him to a network founded by Al Gore is a great move for progressive media and should bring some much needed attention to the former Vice President and his cause.  You see, as the right wing media at Fox hasn’t been able to convince America fully that global warming is a myth so that they can continue to melt the planet by being corporate shills,  they’ve decided to try to convince viewers that Al Gore, the source of the climate change information, is actually a figment of their imaginations.  A media voice as large as Keith’s can help remind us that Al Gore does exist – even though many voters were tricked into believing otherwise by the Republicans in order for them to do what they do best - lead our country into certain disaster while lining their own pockets.”

UPDATE:  Olbermann has Tweeted that he will be Chief News Officer of Current Media.

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