Thursday, March 10, 2011

Former NPR Reporter Juan Williams Sill Trying to Convince Himself He’s Not Racist

Former NPR news analyst and current Fox News tall-tale-teller Juan Williams discussed his not so recent firing from the public radio network calling it the “worst of white condescension.” 

Juan (I run the other way trying not to scream bloody murder when I see people in Muslim dress at airports) told Arianna Online’s underpaid minions at The Huffington Post:

"I think that they felt they had never had much success with people who were black journalists, Hispanic journalists. More success with white women. I think they acted very unfairly, and largely in a condescending manner.”

Huh?!?  Unsolicited Drivel checked in with our media analyst regarding Williams’ confounding interview.  He told us, “Do they have to go through some sort of mind-erasing medical procedure before coming on board at Fox News?  Does Mr. Williams really expect us to believe that in all of his years at NPR he never became acquainted with award winning African American journalist, Michele Norris, or 'the smart Michele with only one L’ as I like to think of her?  She’s only hosted their most successful show, All Things Considered!!  Quite the 'condescending' on-air position for a broadcaster wouldn’t you say?!? And while Mr. Williams is still crying racism at the expense of his former employer, he still refuses to acknowledge how racist his comments last year could be to the Muslim community.  Maybe he doesn’t consider the comments racist?   Fortunately, for Mr. Williams’ peers, labeling someone an asshole isn’t dependent upon the color of their skin or what they are wearing.”

1 comments so far :

Jo Nalist said...

I'm going to go write up this great article, thanks. Just wanted to let you know, we minions at The Huffington Post are not underpaid. In fact, we receive no pay at all. Gotta go, Arianna's cracking the whip

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