Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facebook “Like Button” Overburdened by Faltering Gingrich Campaign

Palo Alto, CA – Shortly after the news broke today that GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s campaign was circling the drain, the news also broke that the Facebook servers nearly crashed due to their “Like” button being completely overburdened.

It’s believed that the mass exodus of the politician’s staffers sent programmers at the social networking site into overdrive to keep it from crashing and they are still struggling to do damage control.

An intern at the site told us, “Wow!  It’s a good thing our break room fridge is fully stocked with Red Bull today because we certainly need all of the energy we can get thanks to Gringrich’s staffers bailing on him!  We haven’t seen our ‘Like’ button pounded this incessantly since the news broke that Britney Spears shaved her head back in ’08.  Too bad for Newt, but I guess Americans have a really long memory when it comes somebody who’s a hypocritical rat bastard.”

1 comments so far :

Milty Tilty said...

I think we need a Love button!

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