Friday, June 3, 2011

The New Government “Food Plate” (With Some Help From Us)

Washington, DC – The Federal Government at the USDA unveiled their updated “Food Plate” this week to replace their iconic (20,000 calorie) Food Pyramid in an effort to help Americans eat right (more better).

Critics of the outdated Food Pyramid have long called for adjustments to emphasize more vegetables and whole grains, and this new “plate chart” is in order with these recommendations.  The government could have just as easily used a “pie chart” as they are very popular on the Internet among sedentary wastrels who spend all day on sites Reddit, but the plate design is probably close enough to resemble pie*.

However, as just like with paying attention to what our kids have been eating for many years on end, the government has also dropped the ball on literacy.  So, we thought we’d help them out updating their food plate with this handy Infographic for all of the kids who can’t read.  Or speak any English. (We’ve already pitched this design of the new chart to the Texas school systems too!)

*Needs more Key Lime.

2 comments so far :

Cola said...

And a big ole Rootbeer!

Anonymous said...

So rude I am so mad at whoever created is so rude, mean, and cruel. I am so not fit but I am using this and I am getting fit and beautiful again. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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