Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quelle Surprise, Anthony!

Or has he would have been known in my mostly Italian American neighborhood where I grew up - Antnee.

For any of you who are wondering why I am not writing about "Weinergate," don't think it's because I'm a liberal and don't want to satirize the left (that keeps moving right).   I just don't buy it.  Plus, I did take a stab at Brietbart the other day too with my contaminated cucumber piece.


1.) One doesn't put themselves at the forefront of the national stage with a possibility of getting caught with their pants down (so to speak) unless they are a closeted gay (Republican) man.  Based upon my observations. 

2.) Weiner's a newlywed for Pete's sake!!!!! 

3.) Andrew Brietbart has proven himself to be an evil faux journalist who advances his own agenda through deceptive practices (see: Shirley Sherrod).  Also the closest to his ilk, Rupert Murdoch & Co., are currently having their house of cards fall on top of themselves for hacking cell phones in Britain.  It's got to be easier to hack a Twitter account like Weiner's than to do that.

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