Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Newest Report on H1N1
GENEVA – The World Health Organization reported today that their findings suggest that some parts of the world have experienced their peak in the H1N1, or Swine Flu, virus. However, it is still too early to conclude that all parts of the world have reached a peak in transmission, so it’s important to remain prepared and exercise caution. Some say that with the exceptions of young children and the elderly, that the threat has always been a bit exaggerated for the rest of us. The threat is especially less worrisome in developed nations as they have greater access to preventive tools, such as germ masks, disinfectants, and education (like say, posters and computer apps to remind people not to be skanks and wash their hands). For instance, in a nation such as the United States, experts claim the following things are still much more likely to happen to the average American than contracting Swine Flu:
Being scorned by surly teen at the Piggly Wiggly for asking for paper instead of plastic - 28%
Landing the job as the poor slob who gets to walk and feed Jessica Simpson’s new pet pig - 6%
Having no one notice you’ve been speaking in Pig Latin all through the latest company strategizing session - 18%
Trying to take a pig-tail coiffed Sarah Jessica Parker seriously as a fashion icon in the next "Sex in the City" sequel - 26%
Being killed while admiring your pigskin gearshift as the brakes on your new Lexus fail - 22%
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