Here’s what they had to say:
I will be particularly happy when they close the prescription drug "doughnut hole" for seniors, as I’ve already exceded my Medicare limit for Cialis this year.
The only thing they seem to be interested in regulating is how much money they will receive from the pharmaceutical companies. This government can’t even protect us from the seasonal flu. How are they going to protect us from special interest groups?

I know they can’t be bothered to add a public option, but if I am forced to buy an insurance program, can they at least guarantee it will provide benefits to cover blood poisoning even if I have a pre-existing condition?

The last best hope for healthcare reform shouldn’t involve putting a group of people together in a room to discuss the well-being of Americans that would be much more suited to being relegated to playing a game of Dodge Ball. And yes, I was usually picked last.
I really haven’t had a need for healthcare so far. Our family doctor takes care of me. And you know what? The people my associates have me take care of on their behalf, most certainly won’t be needing it either.
I can only hope that this whole debate doesn’t turn out to be just one big joke on the American people.
1 comments so far :
The way the democrats are going, my best hope is that they don't make things worse. Making things better I don't expect. These guys are bozos.
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