Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kathy Griffin Today With HRC at DADT Repeal Rally in DC

I think she was talking about Saxby Chambliss in this picture.  That might explain the sour face.  She had seen him at a Senate hearing, and feeling exasperated, only said to him, "Peace out, Cuckoo Pants!"

These are some pictures from the rally to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in Washington, DC today held by the Human Rights Campaign, with special guest speakers Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, Lieutenant Dan Choi and Kathyyyyyyyyyyyy Griffin.  They were actually filming for her show, "My Life on the D-List."  Some things I learned today:

1) John McCain is actually a real dick.
2) Our soldiers are even braver than I thought.
3) Michele Bachmann* is the mental defective we thought.
4) People on Facebook hardly ever show up to events they RSVP to.  What is it about people RSVP-ing and not showing up?!?  That's a SERIOUS pet peeve of mine.

Anyway, of the 700 people who claimed they were attending, about 250 showed up.  It was an amazingly warm day in our nation's capitol.  You can tell it's March in the Mid-Atlantic when the minute the thermometer gets over 60 degrees, jag-offs are running around in shorts and flip-flops and rich bastards have the top down on their convertibles.  The perfect day for a human rights rally.  That is... had it been a Saturday.  I'm going to post some selected photos here, and only hope you can see the rest on the Facebook page, although I have a sinking suspicion I have to reload the gallery.  That app sux.

Handing out flags for a photo opp - although I have yet to see the press cover this event.

Here is the self-proclaimed "Queen of DC."  And y'all thought it was Michelle Obama!  WRONG.  They were actually conducting interviews to air on Kathy's Bravo show, "My Life on The D-List," so you can look for the Queen on your cable TV hopefully, some time this summer.  I think they would have interviewed whoever wanted to speak.  I laid low.  One stark raving big mouth bitch on the plaza was enough.

This is Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva.  He was the first soldier who was seriously wounded in the war in Iraq.  Yes, he took the first hit for all of us and how do we thank him?  For shame.

Here is Kathy and Lieutenant Dan Choi.  Following coming out on the Rachel Maddow Show in 2009, the Army thanked him by sending him a letter of discharge.  DO THEY NOT GET THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE VOLUNTEERS?  Kathy had attended a hearing with John McCain.  He reminded everyone that these soldiers knew of the ridiculous policy when they enlisted, as if that makes it right.   So, reminder:  McCain=Dick.  Rapidly aging dick.

And speaking of the female equivalent...a word I won't use...Kathy ran into Michele Bachmann, while in DC this week, and asked her, "Were you born a bigot, or do you just vote that way?
"  Now here's the scary part, Michele replied,  "That's a really good question.  I'll have to think about it and get back to you."

After the rally, many people headed down to the White House where there seemed to be more police than protesters.  Dan Choi and Jim Pietrangelo handcuffed themselves to fence at White House to protest DADT.  I'm not thrilled with the quality of this photo, as we could not get close enough, but it's history and it's important.  They were arrested about 10 minutes later. 

So, that's it.  A little bit of history for you readers here today.  And speaking of history, I heard someone recently contend in an interview that George Washington and the Marquis de LaFayette were more than just pals.  This statue really makes me wonder...


*A little fun with Google here...

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