Thursday, January 20, 2011

Republican Lawmakers Vote to Become the Most Hated People in America

Washington, DC – The GOP Congress voted to repeal President Obama’s health care bill yesterday, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have no issue with being perceived as complete dicks.

Every Republican, along with 3 Democrats, voted to repeal the measure with a final vote of 245-189.   The 189 lawmakers voting to maintain the legislation were the Democrats who likely don’t receive campaign funds from insurance companies*.

In one fell swoop the GOP Congress voted to alienate and/or possibly kill:
  • Children, particularly those with pre-existing conditions, who will be denied living to adulthood now
  • Young adult hipsters who fail to actively look for employment
  • Young adult upstanding citizens who actively look, but cannot find employment in a GOP-fueled recession
  • Senior citizens who cannot afford their prescription drugs to prolong a miserable old age in a country they no longer recognize

Yes, the GOP voted to violate pretty much everybody – including the Federal deficit, which they voted to increase by $230 billion if the repeal is passed.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was even heard grumbling about demanding the $250 payment sent to senior citizens to close the Medicare Part D prescription drug donut hole back from them personally – with interest.

While we are well aware that the vote to repeal the health care legislation was a campaign promise for the GOP, we still find it hard to understand why they would vote to harm so many Americans, so we checked in with our usual, unnamed political analyst for comment.

UD: “Wow, unnamed political analyst - we guess we never thought that the GOP would keep their promise to be so heartless.  It’s certainly true that many Americans don’t like parts of this health care bill, but they also approve of having the bill, so why would the Republicans and the three douchey Dems vote like this?”

UPA:  “Well, it should be crystal clear to you by now that the only people Republicans care about other than themselves are unborn fetuses, and this health care bill doesn’t specifically mention those.  Also, Republicans are notorious for giving no forethought to the future, so this vote proves it’s obvious they haven’t even considered what will happen when they run for reelection.  The repeal is not likely to make it through the Senate anyway, so the GOP is just keeping in character,  as who else can deliver an empty promise better than an empty suit?”

*No, we’re NOT implying that Reps. Mike Ross (D-AK), Mike McIntyre (D-NC) and Dan Boren (D-OK) get campaign funds from insurance companies…but only because we can’t be bothered to do the research this morning.  Possibly, being southerners, they might also get money from big tobacco, an industry that is almost as fond of killing Americans as our lawmakers, but again, we’re too tired to do the research. Our bad.

10 comments so far :

Gabby said...

Well, it certainly worked with me. I officially hate them more than Hitler.

Chris said...

Speaking of Hitler, the few remaining fragments of bone from his 65 year old burned body rose up from the ground today and gave a press conference. "That Boehner sure is a fine fellow" was all he said before collapsing into rubble.

Genghis said...

Even I wouldn't go as far as the Republicans.

Satan said...

I've just realized that the flames in the pit are just not hot enough for these aholes. I'm preparing a special room for them.

Anne Gris said...

Would someone please tell John Bonerhead that being a complete scumbag is not covered under his medical plan.

Jan said...

I just heard advance word on what the Boehnercare plan is going to be: in addition to restoring all the old rules that allow insurance companies to kill Americans for profit, Americans who die because of lack of healthcare will now be required to have the undertaker make their corpses smile... at their own expense of course.

Joe B. said...

I sincerely apologize to John B. for his reduced clubhouse drinking time because of having to work hard to get this bill passed.

Cath Lich said...

If the Lord could ignite a pile of wet leaves to prove that he existed to the followers of the false god Ba'al, why could he not cause the House Republican Caucus to simultaneously crap their pants to prove it to me?

Satan said...

Room's ready.

Everyone said...

A pox on the Republicans. I don't mean this metaphorically. I mean a real pox. Like monkey pox.

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