Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Part of “We Are the World” Does She Not Appreciate?

Wasilla via Cyberspace – We’re guessing that Sarah Palin doesn’t like the song “We Are the World,” as the half-term Governor’s latest twit, or tweet, about the oil-rig disaster seems to indicate we should never trust foreigners.  Michael Jackson, prophet of world peace and love (among other things) would no doubt, have not been pleased.

Of course, before the disaster, Sarah never would have realized that “BP” stood for “British Petroleum,” until she heard it on the TV, and it started to sink in that “Britain” could be the same place as “England,” which is not the same place as “New England,” which is where those tax and spend liberals go on summer vacation.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Halliburton, a home grown corporate terrorist, is carefully dodging questions regarding their shit-ass cement job (among many shit-ass cement jobs – and the first clue should have been leftover cement) that they did on the well about an hour before it exploded.

One of Palin’s suddenly former Twitter followers had this to say, “it’s kind of a disappointment that she would imply that we shouldn’t trust Great Britain, which followed us with blinders on into a war over weapons of mass deception and subsequently sent their economy into the bloody crapper.  Also, it’s kind of weird that it took her this long to figure out what BP stood for since her husband Todd used to work for them.”

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