Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Seinfeld Not Gaga About a Certain “Lady”

New York – It seems everybody has an opinion of Lady Gaga these days, and the latest is coming from comedian Jerry Seinfeld. 

Twelve days after Gaga commandeered Jerrys’ box at the Mets game after being moved to get away from paparazzi, he has finally spoken out on the incident.

In an interview on Monday Seinfeld told the radio station WWFU,  “I can’t believe they put her in my box, which I paid for.  They better have wiped down the seats – with BLEACH.  They move her to my box after she gives the finger to the paparazzi?   Well I’ve got news for you lady, you lose the last ‘A’ and you are left with ‘Lady Gag,’ and gag I nearly did on a banana in my cereal when I saw your antics on my plasma widescreen.  You think bad publicity is good exposure?  Well, you could also die from exposure from always dressing in your underwear. Oh, and one more thing…the Jerk Store called, and they are running out of you.”

1 comments so far :

Domain Master said...

I'm not gaga about Gaga. First, you get a little popular, and yada yada yada, you're stealing Jerry's box

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