Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sculpey Sarah Palin!!

Sorry, I can't get her voice (that's like an ice-pick to my eardrums) and face out of my head from yesterday and it's a slow news day. 

Do you have a person in your life that is BOTH a Sarah Palin fan and a pro-life fan? (Like, maybe Rand Paul?)  Then here's the perfect gift for them!  They can wear it every time they go to bomb an abortion clinic or shoot defenseless animals and think fondly of you at the same time!

2 comments so far :

Abbie Orton said...

Abort, abort!

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin and Elizabeth Hasslebeck should live together. They could talk to each other and not bother the rest of us! And, then, when they can't talk anymore, they can just run their fingernails down a chalkboard to keep each other company. Isn't that a cozy thought.

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