People are UP IN ARMS today over a Fox News video that is circulating showing auto workers getting buzzed on their lunch hours. Auto workers from the bailed out industry that OBAMA SAVED. Obama may as well be brewing the beer and growing the Mary Jane himself. WTF? Like they wouldn't be doing the same thing if they were unemployed (until the Republicans cut off their benefits)?
I DEFY you to walk into ANY liquor store at approximately noontime and tell me that you DON'T see any laborers there in line with 40-ounce beers in their hands - no matter who is in charge of our government. You'd probably see media people in line right behind them (but with the hard stuff) too.
This story is a CRY for credibility.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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Posted by
Laurie B.
10:00 PM

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