Washington, DC - Joe Foot-in-Mouth-Disease is at it again, whining yesterday that the base of the Democratic party is whining too much when they ought to be supporting any Democrat no-matter-how-bad vs. any Republican no-matt (wait a minute, scratch that last part, I was about to type "no-matter-how-good," when I realized there are no good Republicans). In recent days, many administration officials have come out into the public eye to whine about the whining, up to and including the president, who recently said "I know I caved on Medicare for all, the public option, the unions, the professional left, and most recently, human sacrifice, but when you consider the alternative, I think the difference is clear," adding "now let's vote in some more tax cuts for the rich while we're playing nice."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
No Whining! That Means YOU!
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Posted by
Laurie B.
12:09 PM

1 comments so far :
Joe BiDUH and Barack ObaDUH don't get it. They should be criticizing the Republicans for blocking legislation which would help people, like the extension of unemployment benefits, which would save many from poverty. Instead they go after their own party members!!!
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